Thespian Society

Important Thespian Information!!

How Do I Pay for Dues?

Dues for Thespian society are $50.  They are due by Nov. 22nd! 

These are the things that your dues cover: 

2022 Littles waiting to go on the scavenger hunt to find their Bigs! 

Big/ Little Night is coming!! Oct. 30th!

Our October Meeting is our annual Big/Little night! This meeting is when all of our new members are paired with their "Big" in the theatre department. It is going to be an awesome night with a scavenger hunt for the "littles", snacks, games, and ending with an outdoor movie night in the courtyard! This is a huge tradition for our troupe, so you don't want to miss it!


**Because we are showing a movie outside (and have to wait until dark to start the movie) you can plan on the meeting starting about 3:45 and going until 8:00.

Family Photos from Big/Little Night 2022!

Bigs Estella, Katie, and Hailey with their Little, Valerie!

Bigs Grace and Lily with their little, Scarlett!

Bigs Kyla and Emmye with their little, Kerri! 

Bigs Talon and Maddelyn with litte, Jaiden!

Meeting Dates!

Here are all of the dates that Thespian Society will meet this year! All meetings are from 3:30-5:00 unless otherwise noted. They typically fall on Wednesdays with a few exceptions. Please be sure you are on the Thespian Remind so you don't miss any specific instructions for meetings!

⭐ How do I earn Points? ⭐

Every Thespian new member must earn 10 points over the course of their first year in order to be Inducted at the end of the year. You can earn these points by being involved in the theatre department, Theatre class and participating in shows. See the point sheet below to add up your points. If you have questions about how many points something is worth, talk to Mrs. Duggin. 

Thespian Points

After your first year, your points continue to accumulate! When you are inducted, you will receive your blue Thespian ribbon with your Thespian Pin. As you complete more tasks throughout your high school career you have the opportunity to earn gold star pins to go on your blue ribbon. 

10 pts.= Inducted Thespian Member (blue ribbon and Thespian Pin awarded)

50 pts.= Honor Thespian ( 1st Gold Star Awarded)

100 pts.= National Honor Thespian ( 2nd Gold Star Awarded)

200 pts.= International Honor Thespian (3rd Gold Star Awarded)

Click the button Below to turn in points! 


Every year, we attend the Thespian Conference at MTSU. This conference is made up of Thespian troupes from high schools all over Tennessee! The conference is over 2 days January 12th and 13th. There are workshops offered in Acting, Tech, Design, Choreography taught by college professors and professional clinicians. There is also a College fair, Plays to watch, and scholarship auditions. It is a busy couple days, but we have so much fun! We typically take a bus there and back each night since MTSU is so close to us. This is not an overnight trip. 

Thescon 2024- January 12th and 13th

*Note that All-State Theatre auditions are held at MTSU during the conference time. You are able to attend the conference AND audition for All-state!